Thursday, April 13, 2006

Support for International Travel to the 2006 WDA Meeting

Although people in the western world are beginning to understand the importance of wildlife health, those in the developing world that live with and depend on wildlife for survival have long understood these connections. However, the advances in our understanding of wildlife have not necessarily spread to those that need them the most.

The Wildlife Conservation Society Field Veterinary Program has generously donated three bursaries of US$1500 each to assist wildlife health professionals from the developing world to attend the 2006 Wildlife Disease Association meeting in Storrs, CT (conference website here). The Wildlife Disease Association is the globe's premier organization focussed on wildlife health, and consequently this is a great opportunity to promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

If you know of someone who might benefit from these bursaries, please forward the announcement (here it is). Given the difficulty non-US scientists have in obtaining visas to enter the US, the sooner the better!



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