Wednesday, October 05, 2005

OIE expert's mission to assess the avian influenza situation of wildlife in Russia

"OIE expert's mission to assess the avian influenza situation of wildlife in Russia

Paris, 4 October - At the request of the OIE delegate of Russia, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has started yesterday its expert's mission to assess the avian influenza situation of wildlife in Russia and the national measures to be taken to minimize the risk of international spread of the disease. The mission will last one week.

The reference laboratory of the country (located in Vladimir) and, if possible, other laboratories will be visited to assess the conditions for the laboratory in Vladimir to be part of the world wide network of OIE reference laboratories. Samples from wild birds will be collected to try to verify if they carry the H5N1. The relevant species of wild birds will also be listed in order to identify their migration routes and thus to allow the countries receiving these birds to be prepared to to develop surveillance activities when relevantl.

This mission will be the first of a series of missions in which the OIE will offer the necessary technical and scientific collaboration to Russia needed in combating and/or preventing the disease.

The OIE/FAO world wide laboratory network on avian influenza (OFFLU) will be in the forefront of these missions.

Lets hope they get there before the birds all go south for the winter ...


At 8:28 PM, Blogger birdchaser said...

The mission report has been published online at


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