Tuesday, December 08, 2009

ProMED and 2010 WDA meeting in Argentina

Really not sure why, but for some reason there were >1,400 visits to this site in the last 2 weeks. Not bad for a very stale blog (last post over 3 years ago!).

I guess I should say something, given folks are looking at the site. In fact, I'll say two things:

1. Those of you who read ProMED on a daily basis know it's value; I don't have to convince you. Those of who don't should know that this system is one of the most important disease reporting and notification tools we have, having given us early warning on things like SARS and given us a rapid communication tool during the early days of the current novel H1N1 pandemic.

ProMED is supported largely through donations from private individuals and organizations. ISID/ProMED have been nominated to receive a generous donation from Chase Community Giving, but folks have to vote for them through a facebook app for them to be in the running. It doesn't cost you anything, and this could really benefit the ongoing struggle to promote human, wildlife, and livestock health.

Please vote for ProMED by following this link.

2. The Wildlife Disease Association, the premier association for wildlife health professionals, is holding its annual meeting for the first time in Latin America. (meeting details here). This is always a very important meeting, where one can interact with the top folks in the field in a relaxed atmosphere, and be exposed to some really great science.


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