Monday, February 01, 2010

Student opportunities at the WDA

From Kevin Keel, chair of the WDA Student Awards Committee:

To Whom it May Concern:

I am chair of the student awards committee for the Wildlife Disease
Association (WDA) and I am trying to circulate information concerning
the opportunities we offer students at our annual meeting. Would it be
possible to post this information on the Wildlife Disease News Digest or
related listserves?

Each year we offer four awards at our annual meeting. They include
awards for graduate research, best student presentation, best student
poster and one academic scholarship. The student chosen as the
recipient of the graduate student research award receives compensation
for attendance to the meeting not to exceed $5,000 US. The scholarship
recipient receives $2,000 US. The winners of the student presentation
award and the student poster award receive $250 and a plaque.

The WDA meeting is to be held May 31 to June 4, 2010, at IguazĂș,
Argentina. At this time I would like to extend an invitation to
interested students, with relevant research topics, to apply for the
various awards. Applications for all four awards are due March 5,
2010. Additional information concerning application requirements can be
found on the WDA website (
or in the attached pdf document.

Applications for the graduate research recognition award and the student
scholarship must be submitted as an e-mail attachment to Dr. Kevin Keel
at by 5:00 PM EST of the date due. Abstracts submitted
for student presentations and student posters must also be submitted to
the scientific program chair for the annual conference. Instructions
for abstract submissions can be found on the conference website

Thank you for your attention and please circulate this information among
any potentially interested faculty and students.


Kevin Keel


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